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What follows, then, is a suggested structure. Please take what you
like, use it well, and leave the rest. Perhaps you will even create
something different, something all your own. The important thing is
that you find ways to strengthen the bonds which connect you to others,
and to the deeper mystery and spirit of life. This booklet offers a
valuable resource toward that goal.
Building community is the essence of peacemaking in our time. It
means going beyond the culture of individualism and atomization. It
means recovering the human connections we have lost with the rise of
the nuclear family, social mobility and transiency, and the shopping
mall/automobile society.
As we create and nurture community in small groups, right where
we live and work, we will not only make our efforts for change more
effective, but we will also start bringing into being the world for which
we so dearly long.
Kevin McVeigh
National Coordinator